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Universes Simplified

a - to - m

Just as we cannot understand alphabets of an unknown language, so Truth remains hidden until we acquaint with its universal language. This 'code' is Philosophy - the light that helps us 'see' a Truth so real, simple, and complete, it stands the test of Space and Time.

Just as a philosopher looks for Truth, poets are driven by Beauty. They are mesmerized by this mysterious goddess that ever so often manifests before them in objects and concepts of nature. Words are their medium, feelings their fuel; nothing deterring their heart set on reverence of a goddess. Isn't that what poets do? Show love!


Every soul is a realist and a romantic, in degrees. Alas! Most of us never come to terms with it. This is why meditation is vital. Firstly, to bring calm in the storm of our lives, and then to perform the impossible task of unifying science with art - philosophy with poetry - to put us on the road to self-discovery. See, meditation must make one a poet, & equally, open their philosophical eye. Therein lies the secret to Balance!

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